考试大全 自考 2012年考研英语作文


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    As we ca see, he developme of echology has brough abou grea coveiece o our daily lives. Advaced echology allows us o access iformaio wih jus a click of a buo, commuicae wih people from all over he world i secods, ad perform daily asks more efficiely ha ever before. The beefis of echology are udeiable.

    Firsly, echology has grealy improved our abiliy o access ad process iformaio. I he pas, we had o go hrough libraries ad read hrough couless books ad periodicals o fid a piece of iformaio. ow, all we eed is a search egie or a olie daabase o rerieve he iformaio we eed i secods. This abiliy o access iformaio quickly ad efficiely has revoluioized he way we lear, work, ad solve problems.

    Secodly, echology has also made our lives more coveie i erms of commuicaio ad daily asks. For example, smarphoes allow us o say coeced wih frieds ad family o maer where we are. We ca make phoe calls, sed emails, or use social media o say i ouch wih people from all over he world. I addiio, echology has also simplified may daily asks. For isace, olie shoppig allows us o buy higs wihou leavig our homes, ad digial payme sysems allow us o pay for goods ad services wihou usig cash or checks.

    However, despie hese beefis, echology has also brough abou some egaive impacs. Oe of he mos sigifica drawbacks is he rise of scree depedecy sydrome. May people owadays cao live wihou heir smarphoes or compuers, which ofe leads o a uhealhy depedece o echology. This addicio ca cause a lack of focus ad aeio spa, ad ca resul i decreased cogiive fucio.

    Moreover, echology ca also coribue o he rise of cyberbullyig ad olie privacy issues. Cyberbullyig has become a serious problem i rece years, wih may youg people beig bullied olie. This behavior ca have devasaig cosequeces o he vicims’ meal healh ad well-beig. Addiioally, he rise of social media has also led o a icrease i olie privacy issues. People ofe share sesiive iformaio olie wihou realizig he poeial cosequeces, which ca resul i ideiy hef or oher forms of cybercrime.

    I coclusio, while echology has brough abou may beefis o our daily lives, i has also creaed some sigifica drawbacks. Therefore, i is impora ha we recogize he poeial dowsides of echology ad use i i a resposible ad susaiable maer. We should also be midful of our scree ime ad ry o srike a balace bewee echology ad oher aspecs of our lives. By doig so, we ca ruly haress he beefis of echology while miimizig is drawbacks.


作者: chanong




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